Halfway between the sun-lit shores of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea and just a stone’s throw from the snow-capped Pyrenees is the Southern French city of Toulouse. While most major French cities are proudly hewn from rock, Toulouse is built from bricks; these humble bricks, once considered a sign of poverty, are now a source of pride. Throughout the day, their colours change, from red to orange to pink, earning Toulouse the name “La villa rose”, the pink city. Much of Toulouse’s finest brickwork is found in its holy places. 

Re-thinking The Future is a global platform for architecture and design. RTF along with our authors has curated a list of top architecture firms in various cities across the globe. Please note that the names are arranged in alphabetical order and are not ranked in any manner. 

Architects in Toulouse - Top 65 Architects in Toulouse - Sheet1

3 Architecture 

Scope of services: Architecture, interior design
Types of Built Projects: Residential
Locations of Built Projects: Toulouse
Style of work: Reinventing spaces
Website: 3-architecture.com/

Co-founded by Anthony Loustau, this firm designed through a work of listening to his interlocutor while being a source of proposal. They are reinventing spaces and changing their usual prescription. 

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VILLA FD_©http://ar108.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/FACHADA-SALAO-DE-BELEZA.jpg


Scope of services: Architecture, interior design
Types of Built Projects: Residential
Locations of Built Projects: Toulouse
Style of work: Geometric shapes, textures and aesthetic feelings
Website: 3-architecture.com/

3.Architecture is mainly work for urban architecture. The firm’s projects rely on geometric shapes, dressed in the right texture and carefully lit, thereby evocative of indicated aesthetic feelings.

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Residence service seniors A Gaillac (81)_©https://static.wixstatic.com/media/338a1b_56bed73258364ff4b029fbe4f7d7b200~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_1655,h_1120,al_c,q_85,usm_2.00_1.00_0.00,enc_auto/RSSGA.jpg

360 Degrés

Scope of services: Architecture, interior design
Types of Built Projects: Residential
Locations of Built Projects: Toulouse
Style of work: A blend of aesthetics and functionality
Website: www.360archi.com/

360 degree won many awards over the years in the field of architecture. The firm focuses on deep conceptual design that is aesthetically adept and functional in all its programs. 

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SIVOM head office_©https://www.360archi.com/siege-social-du-sivom


Scope of services: Architecture, interior design, urban projects
Types of Built Projects: Residential, urban, heritage
Locations of Built Projects: Toulouse
Style of work: Material-oriented approach.
Website: www.aarp.fr/

This Architecture-Studio has been developing over the years. The studio has a highly sensitive approach towards design and lays humongous emphasis on a Material-oriented approach. 

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Gonzales-picasso  _©http://atelier-rp.org/site/public/architectures/08_jacobins/01_AARP_Remi_Papillault_Architecte_Toulouse.jpg

ADEKWAT Architecture

Scope of services: Architecture, interior design
Types of Built Projects: Residential, apartment, flats, commercial
Locations of Built Projects: Toulouse
Style of work: According to client’s needs
Website: www.adekwat-architecture.com/

This studio was founded in 2015 by Alexandra ALIMI. From the sketch to the delivery of the site, we support you throughout the process of creating your new living space. With their  expertise and our network of trusted partners.

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Apartment in hyper center_©https://www.adekwat-architecture.com/appartemental1?pgid=k9wz3uqf-40635715-480d-4b28-8ab9-94ae710be52d

Almudever Fabrique d’Architecture – AFA

Scope of services: Architecture, interior design
Types of Built Projects: Residential, apartment, flats, commercial
Locations of Built Projects: Toulouse
Style of work: Practical approach
Website: afa.archi/

The firm focuses on key capabilities within the Architecture , Interior  and Landscape Design. 

They find the traditional art of drawing invaluable for communicating ideas. Their  design process begins by bringing together the key decision-makers. 

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Logements ‘’le cabanon ‘’ – 31770 Colomiers_©https://afa.archi/images/dsc00474_dxo-1200.webp

Anne Sassus

Scope of services: Architecture, construction
Types of Built Projects: Multi-residential, commercial, mixed use
Locations of Built Projects: Toulouse
Style of work: Innovation
Website: www.anne-sassus.com/

They create a new sensibility by understanding and perceiving the profession as a route to help others. The cross-pollination of knowledge and innovation in both crafts and the latest technology can deliver better architecture.

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LogeRésidence Hotelière  de  100  chambres_©https://static.wixstatic.com/media/522b0d_0b1384e00f4f42cfb94daa78e4960794~mv2_d_3408_2424_s_4_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_846,h_657,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/522b0d_0b1384e00f4f42cfb94daa78e4960794~mv2_d_3408_2424_s_4_2.jpg

Anne Vezard Architecte

Scope of services: Architecture, interior designer
Types of Built Projects: Multi-residential, commercial
Locations of Built Projects: Toulouse
Style of work: Context based
Website: www.annevezardarchitecte.fr/

The work follows the studies and takes care to pursue this spirit of constructive exchanges. In the background of their work, the initial request is confronted with a sometimes constraining reality.  

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The house is growing_©https://static.wixstatic.com/media/c04c0f_d6ef855a965e4c7a93a8fa08c4e941c4~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_652,h_465,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/c04c0f_d6ef855a965e4c7a93a8fa08c4e941c4~mv2.jpg

AR 357

Scope of services: Architecture, interior designer, urban design
Types of Built Projects: Multi-residential, commercial, supermarkets, hospitality
Locations of Built Projects: Toulouse
Style of work: Responsibly designed
Website: www.annevezardarchitecte.fr/

The choice of their workshop is to treat any size of project with the same requirement. An attentive and responsible attitude. Each project is born from meetings of actors, some revealed by the site, others put forward by the project.

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Claudie Haigneré School Group, Cugnaux_©https://ar357.fr/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/projet-header.jpg
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Laxmi Rajput is a part of the in-house team at Re-thinking The Future and Eduwik. She is one of those people who holds the team together, communicates with them to create better work and outputs. She loves reading and watching informative dramas.