Architectural Identity

The architectural identity based on the structural content aims to achieve the goals of the study. The term identity has different meanings and definitions in different disciplines. Identity is understood to be the biological, material, and cultural signs that distinguish one person, group, population, or culture from another.  defines identity as a process that can be linked to the path that civilization takes over time. The way is the culture or identity of that civilization. The author stressed that the identity could be fake due to several factors. Therefore, the development of identity arises when various problems of society are discussed and analyzed. It has been stated that “identity is not self-awareness”. The concept of architectural identity can be seen as a particular architectural movement, which is reflected especially, for example, in the construction of buildings, structures, and the social life associated with them. Architecture is part of identity and contains the messages, characteristics, and ideas ascribed to society. It depends on several aspects like geography, traditions, customs, history, and knowledge about the society. Therefore, architecture through the facade, structures, and interiors of the building is among the notable manifestations of culture in every nation. Amos Rappaport claimed that property identity did not change in different situations or properties with unique and distinctive design elements. Ideas that represent cultural traits are incorporated into architectural products, and these products define architectural identity. Factors such as design, knowledge, and beauty are created through dynamic thinking that gives architecture a significant identity. One can argue that movement, stability, and change are different aspects of identity. Identity is a form of judgment based on experience over a long period. The modern architectural identity in Arab countries reflects a clear influence of Western architecture. Several large projects have been awarded to these architectural firms. These companies implemented the architectural ideas in these countries with the support of decision-makers regardless of local involvement. Therefore, the architectural identity here was influenced by the decision-making system applied, which allowed only the elite to decide the architectural identity of the whole country. Physical characteristics such as shape, size, decoration, building system, or specific activities or practices in the environment or their function change little around the world. However, the visual attributes that a building can express are the components of architectural identity that give it distinctive features. These features can be read and explored through a variety of approaches, including architectural elements, structural systems, function, building materials, aesthetics, and the moldings and decorative elements used. Architectural identity is a quality that shows the reality of being in architectural structures.

Architectural Heritage and Identity - Sheet1
Heritage and Cultural Identity_@uia

The role of the design concept in forming contemporary identity

It is necessary to understand the identity created and reflected by the buildings to understand how people can derive that identity. You need to know how the designer thinks and how the design process is planned to convey the message of the essence of identity. Therefore, creating and imagining design ideas in the mind of architecture are the essential pillars for understanding identity. The designer’s mind can envision and signal the identity of historic buildings of the past. The ability of the designer to realize common elements of identity in a given area allows you to realize your ideas and present them in a contemporary form through the digital design process. Ideas are presented using new and improved materials and a modern architectural style that can give the building a contemporary identity. The concept is a structural design through which to understand the lines and planes that define the overall shape, space, and atmosphere of the building. The concept allows the abstract language of the concept to reach the tangible medium of architecture. The basic idea or concept of design is a reflection that arises in the designer’s mind to confront design problems and provide alternatives. Different design requirements define a specific idea and therefore the theme has a direct influence on the shaping of the design. As a result, designers seek to enhance the interaction of buildings with their surroundings to achieve physical architectural integration, effectively expressing contemporary identity. The following physical criteria are selected for buildings to analyze contemporary architecture and the extent of the architect’s success in presenting a contemporary architectural identity through understanding and awareness of these buildings. For example, in their Hajj Terminal project at King Abdulaziz International Airport, SOM Design Solution introduced a training structure to offer an Islamic spiritual concept of white tents similar to those where pilgrims stayed during the time of Hajj. The designer’s idea appears to recreate the Ihram attire of pilgrims, rightly admired as a design that blends modern technology with Islamic and local culture through architecture. In the case of Saudi Arabia, where the government supports the institute’s projects, the first projects were influenced by culture in terms of their idea and concepts, and the architects were guided based on the manifestation of Islamic identity and originality. The degree of realization of contemporary Islamic identity and content in the works of architects depends on three factors: the quality of the architect’s perception of the truth of the universe and the planes of human existence and population, and the use of appropriate methods and styles to create inspiring works. and finally, their talent, experience, and creativity to provide a concept that corresponds to the understanding and perception of the community. Depending on the quality of these three, the proportion and the degree of realization of Islamic identity in architectural works will differ.

The Hajj Terminal_@ Omrania


  1. Online sources

Author links open overlay panelAbdulaziz Alzahrani and AbstractThe tendency to identify and achieve identity in architecture is a significant trend in contemporary architecture. The trend of contemporary architectural projects occurred during the 1980s by the architects in Saudi Arabia. During that period (2022) Understanding the role of architectural identity in forming contemporary architecture in Saudi Arabia, Alexandria Engineering Journal. Available at: (Accessed: 28 August 2023).