In the realm of architecture, elements regularly function as the silent narrators of a designer’s story. The interaction of shape, area, and characteristic can speak to a large number of feelings and ideas. Among the diverse gear to be had by architects, typography and calligraphy have emerged as powerful approaches to infusing poetry and artistic expression into the built surroundings. This article explores the charming intersection of typography, calligraphy, and architectural layout, revealing how those disciplines can remodel structures into poetic and visually putting works of artwork. 

Poetry and architecture: A relation

Buildings should be just like poems. The impression a building makes on our senses should arouse feelings” Étienne-Louis Boullée

All of the human senses are involved in architecture but poetry is only perceived visually and audibly. As an architect who also writes poetry, I am particularly intrigued by the way words fill the space on the page in a manner resembling visual geometry. Poetry is about the phenomenology of the experiences that the poet communicates through the exact rhyme scheme and structure of the poem, as well as through their vivid imagination.  Architecture is also more about phenomenology: how space is perceived and how a structure might go beyond its quantifiable boundaries and physical measurements. Both industries are cognizant of changing a summary idea into reality, because of this they each require knowledge and knowledge in the production method. 

The basics of both architecture and poetry once in a while have less to do with the elements from which they’re made and more to do with how they have an impact on the users and readers to an emotional degree.

Typography: Beyond Signage

Typography, often associated with printed materials and digital media, finds a remarkable home within the realm of architectural design. While its traditional role may be functional – signage, wayfinding, and labeling – typography’s potential extends far beyond mere identification. It emerges as a potent tool for architects to convey narratives, evoke emotions, and elevate the architectural experience.

Architectural Typography and Poetry - Sheet1
Seattle Central Library_© Reddit

The Seattle Central Library, an iconic work by architect Rem Koolhaas, serves as a prime example of typography’s transformative power. The library’s façade boldly displays oversized letters spelling “LIBRARY” in various languages, making a clear statement about its function. Yet, this typography transcends mere utility; it becomes a dynamic and visually captivating part of the building’s aesthetic. Typography here becomes a poetic expression of the library’s role as a hub of knowledge and cultural exchange (Koolhaas, 2004).

Calligraphy: The Art of Handwriting

Architectural Typography and Poetry - Sheet2
Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi_© Wander with Nada

Calligraphy, the art of beautiful handwriting, brings a sense of human touch and organic beauty to architectural spaces. Whether it’s ornate inscriptions on walls or elegant scripts adorning glass surfaces, calligraphy adds warmth and humanity to the built environment. It transforms spaces into canvases for artistic expression.

Architectural Typography and Poetry - Sheet3
Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi_© Flickr

The Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi stands as a breathtaking testament to the use of calligraphy in creating an ethereal atmosphere. The mosque’s interior features intricate calligraphic inscriptions from the Quran, rendered in various styles and scripts. These meticulously crafted letters transcend mere decoration; they invite visitors to contemplate their meaning and significance, contributing to a spiritually uplifting experience. 

Creating Poetry through Typography

When architects cautiously choose typefaces, sizes, and placements, typography can go beyond its functional role and become a medium for poetic expression. The Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles, designed by the legendary Frank Gehry, employs typography in a way that is going past mere identity.

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Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles_© Discover Los Angeles

The stainless-steel cladding of the building functions lyrical passages from the works of composer Richard Wagner, engraved into the surface. These quotations emerge as an essential part of the building’s design, serving as an homage to the power of music and a nod to the concert hall’s purpose. The typography, in this example, transforms a functional constructing envelope into a poetic canvas. 

Typography as Narrative

Architectural typography often acts as a narrative device, guiding circulation through a space or telling a tale within a building. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., designed by Maya Lin, exemplifies this concept. 

Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C_© Florida Weekly

The memorial accommodates a protracted, reflective black granite wall etched with the names of the fallen infantrymen in chronological order of their deaths. The typeface used is a simple, sans-serif fashion, allowing the names to take the middle stage. As visitors trace the letters with their arms, they embark on an emotional adventure through time and sacrifice, experiencing the strength of architectural typography as a storyteller. 


Typography, calligraphy, and architectural design converge to create poetic and visually striking elements in the built environment. These elements transcend their utilitarian roles, offering narratives, emotions, and artistic expressions that enrich the architectural experience. As architects continue to explore the possibilities of typographic and calligraphic interventions, we can look forward to a future where buildings not only shelter us but also inspire and move us with their profound language of design. In this fusion of form and poetry, architecture becomes a timeless art, inviting us to read, reflect, and remember in a profound way.


England, R. (2020) Architecture and poetry, Artpaper. Available at: 

Builder (no date) The connection between architecture and poetry, Architecture Competitions and Awards by Builder. Available at: 

Sahar Afshar is an independent designer and researcher from Iran. After completing her BFA in Visual Communication from the University of Tehran she worked as the senior designer at Hermes Publishers Company in Te (no date) Rosetta/blog / A brief overview of the various Arabic calligraphic styles, Available at: 

(No date) Poetic design: An exploration of the parallels between expert poetry … Available at: 
