Art speaks in different forms and now has found ways to reach every interested artist, researcher, historian, and other humans from various periods in different digital formats. Art drives the cultural development of society. Art in a digital world grows with creating, preserving, and restoring with advanced technology. It is a reflection of an effort of phenomenal art saved for its history and uniqueness, joining hands with the nation’s heritage. Therefore, art is a significant asset to carry forward into our future. 

Art in the Digital Archives: Preserving, Accessing, and Reviving Cultural Heritage - SHeet1
Discover Time of Korea- A permanent exhibition, can be visualized digitally_

Role of Digitization:

Art in the Digital Archives: Preserving, Accessing, and Reviving Cultural Heritage - SHeet2
Exploring the digital world to connect a long line of Archives_

The connecting bridge between the past, present, and future is through a digital form in one click, and the information of cultural heritage and authenticity comes to everyone’s reach. Digital heritage can shape the future from the sociotechnical awareness from the reflection of past and present art into innovative creations and research on cultural society. LOD- Linked Open Data which is freely open, you can publish and re-publish, which supports many heritage institutions for their education, providing a high range of open accessibility, participation, and inclusivity. The digital advanced tools help the user to rotate, zoom, and other ways to give the closest experience a physical one. The role signifies overcoming the global geographical logistics for exploring to study preserved art forms. The digital format can host various art forms such as paintings, sculptures, photographs, statues of precious metal, and extensions of the unique culture of the region in metadata documentation. Digital archives can be re-stored for longer days, compared to physical preservation, which can decline over time. 

Preservation of Art:

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Preserved Art of The Three Graces, 1st Century CE), Masseria di Cuomo in digital archives_

In every country, Archive Arts are in heritage monuments, museums, and exhibitions cause of their historical value expressing as an integral part of the literary and social life of the people. In a way, digital archives provide a way to safeguard the deteriorating physical works helping them keep them in the online database for however long they want even if the archives decline. The archives have historical value to be maintained for sustainable information and done in large numbers through digital preservation.  

Global Audience:

Art in the Digital Archives: Preserving, Accessing, and Reviving Cultural Heritage - SHeet4
Preserved art of a student’s work for an exhibition, viewed through digital archives_

The digital world is an anytime platform for the global audience. The web digitized art and cultural collections are increasing rapidly. The institutions of arts and heritage initiated from the educational field collaborate with the digital archive through Wikidata resources and their own institute’s websites. This format of digitalization has increased the audience from all parts to reach out for information with different collections, research, and programs. The EU member states have signed cooperation in a declaration on developing the digitization of archives, playing a vital role in innovative creation, knowledgeable experience, and use and re-use of cultural heritage experiences through different formats in archive preservation. 

Field of Cultural Arts:

One of the special forms of archives is the audio-visual arts, in such a form of art the information has been captured and presented in the moving images, static and sound recordings. 

Performative Arts:

Performative Arts have advanced to record live performances and present them virtually, expanding the audience number and re-watching them by interested fans. 

Literacy Strength:

Digital or media literacy has the strength to create, use and understand content in different contexts. They have given a new rise in literature for social context. The two concepts of digital literacy are user skill and technology interactivity of the user. 

These digital forms are required to be archived but need metadata and containers.  

Examples of The Digital Archives:

To bring art and culture around the world in an online platform Google arts and Cultures.

Europeana is another digital platform that has access to many of the cultural heritage archives.

DPLA (Digital Public Library of America) provides access to art collected from museums, library across the country. 

The Metropolitan Digital art collections aggregates to a wide range of digital pictures. 

The Purpose and Benefits:

Bring in one click to all information and to hold onto the culture. through preservation_

Archive digitalization aims to build organizational memory as it is becoming central. The organization depends on the community and the science depending on the priorities. The contribution emphasizes accessibility and use for the border’s needs by adding value. The information has value to its regional uniqueness of cultural heritage and traditional essences. Inter-collaboration with institutes and virtual galleries by reaching out to all archive enthusiasts enhances to build of a network, also shaping the experience through technological tools and advancement in the culture of archives. The preservation of chronicles speaks the history of the artist who created them and what inspired him, further the art inspiring the present to build and create the future. 

They help to protect the copyrights and ease up for proper usage of the work for the true artist to whom the archive belongs. 


A high level of security is required to maintain the ownership of an artist and confidential information regarding the complete central documents. They must adapt to rapidly growing technology in all fields from preventing to be outdated. 


(2019). Digital Art through the Looking Glass: New strategies for archiving, collecting and preserving in Digital Humanities. Academia, Available at: 

[Accessed: 20th August  2023].

(2023). Imagining the Future of Digital Archives and Collections – Editorial. Stedelijk Studies. Available at: 

[Accessed: 19th August  2023].


She is a person with an exponential interest in creating human thoughts into words and design. She also believes in a journey of new experiences and learning by traveling with time. Her way of balancing life explains the way she lives.